Mental Health Resources in Boulder County
Colorado Crisis Services
Statewide behavioral health crisis response system offering residents mental health, substance use or emotional crisis help, information and referrals.
1-844-493-8255 or text “TALK” to 38255 |
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community. Submit reports any time, any day by calling the number below or submitting through their website or mobile app.
1-977-542-7233 |
Rise Against Suicide
Helps youth at risk of suicide by removing the financial and social barriers to treatment, enabling them to find hope and healing. RISE offers free and immediate mental health therapy to youth struggling with suicidal ideation.
For help – call 720-263-0085 or email
To learn more about the program visit
Parent Conversation Cards
28 questions to help make conversations with teens easier. Find time each day to ask a question that will get you both talking.
Download the cards as a PDF >>
NAMI Boulder
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Boulder County, is a nonprofit self-help support and advocacy organization of people with mental illnesses and families and friends of people with mental illnesses. NAMI Boulder offers family support groups for parents and caregivers of teens experiencing mental health issues every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. via Zoom.
More Boulder County and Colorado teen mental health resources are available here:
I Matter Therapy
Parents, caregivers or youth may receive up to six free online therapy sessions through this State of Colorado program.
Out Boulder County
The youth program is Out Boulder County’s social and educational space for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies ages 11-18. The year round programming includes three weekly support groups, paid youth internships, annual programming, and youth centered community events. The calendar is always evolving.
Natural Highs
Empowers teens as leaders around positive peer culture. They provide healthy alternatives to drugs and alcohol through offering workshops, drop-in classes, groups, presentations, sober events, and entrepreneurial and leadership opportunities for teens. Offers a peer mentor program, acudetox, and resources for teens, adults and parents about substance abuse prevention. Empowers teens as leaders around positive peer culture.
NAMI Say It Out Loud
A free online card game that helps teens explore how they and their friends approach mental health and well-being.
NAMI Say It Out Loud >>
Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation and gender identity Support
OASOS collaborates with LGBTQ+ youth to build safer, healthier, more affirming schools and communities for youth in Boulder County through community engagement, pro-social support groups, one on one resource navigation, school based programming, advocacy, training, health education and leadership development.
OASOS Boulder County >>
BVSD Mental Health Resources
From bully prevention to sexual violence and assault, BVSD offers resources on a variety of mental health topics.